dijous, 15 de març del 2012


On 1st Februanry we went to Caixa Forum in Barcelona near Montjuic. We went there to do some activities related to the Catalan language. We did some publicity  activities, and wrote really short stories. In the publicity acitivities we created some slogans. In the short stories, the monitors that did the activities gave us an exemple about how we had to do it, and then we did our own version.

Marta: "I did the short story activity. It was very interesting but a little boring"

Aaron: "I did the publicity activity. I learnt a lot and it was fun"

Albert: "I did the same as Aaron. It was enjoyable but a bit boring because we could not do everyting that we wanted to do"

Aaron (3B), Albert(3D) and Marta (3C) 
Before going to France for a school exchange, let's get to know some more about...

Lille is a city in northern France. It is the capital of the Nord-Pas de Calais region and the prefecture of the Nord department. It is located near the Belgian borders. The population of Lille is about 225.789 inhabitants. The town where we will be is Villeneuve d'Ascq.

Interview to Clèlia Lespagnol (correspondent of Êllâ)
Do you like Lille?
-          Yes, it is a beautiful city with many people.
Do you like the cold weather in Lille?
-          No, I prefer the sun.
Do you like living in Lille?
-          Yes, because I like big cities.
Are there any large markets in Lille?
-          Yeah, in September there is a big market.

  Êllâ and Aina (3C)

dijous, 8 de març del 2012

Welcome to Angeleta News!

This is an on line newspaper where all Angeleta's students can be enrolled and report different articles of our school life. This year the editors are the students in 3 ESO who have chosen the elective subject "anglès 2a llengua estrangera" during the 2nd semester. If you want to know some more, follow us!