Elective subject: "Optativa anglès 2a llengua estrangera". Aim: Learn about the English Culture and practise the different language skills through an online newpaper: Angeleta News.
2011-2012 newspaper's name: The Angeleta Times
Members: 3rd ESO students
Designer: Aleix
Reporters: Aina, Êllâ, Andy, Juanjo, Marta, Guillem, Sergi, Pablo, Andreu, Aleix, Aaron, Albert, Irene, Paula, Sofia, Laura.
Teacher: Roser Ané
Language Assistant: Georgina Eaton
Newspaper office: classroom 203
Opening times: Mondays 9.15-10.15 / Thursdays 12.40-13.35
Opening times: Mondays 9.15-10.15 / Thursdays 12.40-13.35